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Astikya Niyama - Developing Self-Trust

There are 10 Yamas and 10 Niyamas - yogic take on human values and ethical practices that help us reach our full potential for personal, spiritual, and professional growth, and to liberate us from the repetitive cycle of suffering. When we live in contradiction to the highest values, when we avoid taking the higher road -  we get stuck in a rat. 


This month we are diving deep into our human aspect of self-trust, having faith that all of our choices and actions matter and that we contribute to the greatest good of all.

I look at self-trust as a deeper knowing that your moment-to-moment actions will contribute to the greater good. Self-trust cannot be faked, or cannot be talked into. Self-trust can only be earned with repetition and consistency.

For instance: if I value punctuality, but always running late - somewhere on a subconscious level I will know that I cannot rely on myself.  This seemingly small misalignment repeated regularly builds a huge obstacle for me to overcome any greater challenge like self-regulation or being able to discipline myself to achieve my goals.

Having self-trust is a result of making decisions that align with our highest values. When we act in contradiction to our values we stifle our growth.  


To begin this journey of Astikya, start with these 2 steps:

1. Take a moment and describe: what kind of person do you dream of becoming? Do you remember people's names? Do you show up on time? Do you keep your house neat? Eat veggies? Workout daily? Do you want to support the environment by never buying plastic bottles? Are you kind to your neighbors? Do you forgive with ease? Do you raise your voice at your loved ones? Go to bed before midnight?

2. Choose one value a month that you will never break to make it a habit - a habit of being your truer version, the version who acts how it speaks. Ask for help - asking for help is key, we can inspire and support each other!  Next month - next value. Become a person who lives your own dreams.

The complete 8-fold path of yoga, with Yamas and Niyamas, gives us the solid tools and step-by-step actions to overcome any blocks we might experience. 

Listen to the PODCAST Episode where I talk about the human superpower, discipline (Tapas Niyama), and what motivates me to maintain my commitment to daily self-care and making moment-to-moment choices for the greater good. Through mastering discipline, we can build our self-trust.  The episode finishes with a little breathing and EFT, an emotional freedom technique tapping exercise. Discipline is a big part of Yogic philosophy that helps us with our personal, professional, and spiritual growth. There is a pandemic of misinformation and a mismanaged marketing campaign of all the fitness trends, fads, and cults. It is so important to clarify our own vision and work our way to unlearn the limiting beliefs, including the toxic body image focuses behind many fitness brands.  

I am looking forward to seeing you in classes this month where together we will continue to cultivate self-trust coming to our mats.  Please join our classes this month  - we'll be looking at Astikya from different angles.

Sending so much love. Let's be courageous to look at what attitude limit our well-being, connections, and success in every area of this fascinating human experience ❤️❤️❤️​​

Sending you gratitude, love, and peace

Natasha & Glowing Team

The material on my blog cannot be shared or quoted without my reference. Thank you for reading!

Join our daily in-person and Livestream classes daily 7:30a-7:55a

If you are planning on coming 2+ times a week, please sign up as an Unlimited Member, and if less than twice a week - 5+ Membership.



Please take a look at our current in-person and Zoom schedule  of yoga, Meditation, Pilates, and Barre classes, and try any class from home > 



Your life is now. Here. In the city. Make it more meaningful, enjoy it, do something different. We are bringing a variety of holistic leaders and healers to educate, unwind, nurture our spirit, and entertain our curiosity every weekend > 

Please share this page with your loved ones.


Sending you love, health, and helpful self-discipline,


Natasha & Glowing Team

30Min Self-Awareness Chakra Meditation with Roxanne
How To Measure Our Stress and Self Control. Podcast Audio
Breathwork for Sleep & Anxiety. Podcast Audio
How Concealed Anxiety Affects Our Relationships
Mitahara Yama: Self-Moderation
Learning Patience - Kṣamā Yama
Unveiling of the 5 Koshas with Erika
Ahimsa Yama: The Unconscious Harm We Create

Follow us @glowyogasf

Questions? All answered  - see FAQ.

Bookings: all services are booked via web schedule.

Contact Us: please use our CHAT here, or schedule a call.

Address: 1548 Stockton Street (Union). 2nd Floor

Block of Washington Sq Park,  Tony's Pizza, Original Joes.

Watch a mini-video of our location

10 min walk from Fin. District - enjoy a picturesque walk :)

MUNI STOP  45, 30, 8X, 41, T-Line is 6 Blocks Away

Parking: North Beach Garage (735 Vallejo st) St  $5/h 

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