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Ksama Yama: 3 Life-Altering Reasons to Embody Patience

Thank you! Hope you have a peaceful day

There are 10 Yamas and 10 Niyamas - yogic take on human values and ethical practices that help us reach our full potential for personal, spiritual, and professional growth, and to liberate us from the repetitive cycle of suffering. When we live in contradiction to the highest values, when we avoid taking the higher road -  we get stuck in a rat. 


In ancient yogic and Buddhist philosophies, the value of Patience is taking a front row and must be practiced moment to moment to eliminate unnecessary suffering. Even though it's not the worst of our human qualities, and we tend to embrace our impatience, please consider these 3 life-changing benefits to truly cultivate the noble quality of Kṣamā. 

1. Create Less Harm.

When we are impatient we move fast, we injure our body, we drive over the speed limit, and we react harshly - all of which are dangerous to ourselves, and even worse, may cause harm to others. Patience is a path of peace and compassion.

2.  Build Safely Functioning Relationships.

Patience helps us preserve and nurture all our relationships. When we are patient with the shortcomings of our loved ones, when we stay kind even if our expectations aren’t met - we give the space for people to breathe, develop, and bloom. Patience gives us time to assess what action to take for the greatest good, what is our responsibility in the situation, what is in our control, and what is in others'.

3.  Achieve Your Dreams.

Often, when we are impatient to see the results as fast as we falsely desire, we sell out of the stock market, we quit our fitness, careers, music lessons, language school, education, relationships... you name it. Running Glow now for 13 years I've been so lucky to witness our members getting physically stronger, heal their wounds, grow their careers, families, and companies, and move more and more gracefully as they turn from their 30s to 40s, from 50s to 60s and from 60s to 70s. Perseverance and decades of showing up are superhuman powers. I'm inspired every day by our members. We shall erase the misbelief that fast and furious, can bring us lasting satisfaction or vitality. We can't force health. The slow and steady does it. Fulfilling life requires patience, boots on the ground, and an open mind not to miss the precious lessons along the way.

Those are just 3 benefits I wanted to bring your attention to, but they are truly limitless. We get out of it what we put into it:  let's become more aware by reflecting daily, asking ourselves:


What moment could I have been more patient today?  


I am looking forward to seeing you in classes this month where all of our teachers will be giving you plenty of opportunities to apply patience in physical practice, as well as sharing different ways of applying patience into our life off the mat.  Please join our classes this month  - we'll be considering the embodiment of Ksama from different angles.

Sending so much love. Let's be courageous to look at what attitude limit our well-being, connections, and success in every area of this fascinating human experience ❤️❤️❤️

Sending you love, health and peace,

Natasha & Glowing Team

The material on my blog cannot be shared or quoted without my permission. Thank you for reading!




  1. Adyashanti recordings - he has many recorded sanghas I like listening to on my walks >

  2. The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer (constantly, on repeat  - it's a lifelong reminder) >

  3. The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. I read it in print in the mornings -contemplative meditations to start my day with >

  4. Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition. by Christopher Wallis >

  5. The Spiritual Psychology teacher Michelle Chalfant's Adult Chair Podcast >

  6. Weekly recordings from the Spirit Rock The Heart Wisdom Podcast of Jack Kornfield >



At Glow, we teach yoga for all ages as a holistic 8-Limb practice, preserving the richness of its ancient philosophy. Every month we focus on a particular subject which you can see in our Blog. We offer a thoughtful variety of classes: Flow (Strengthening Vinyasa), as well as Yin-Restorative, Meditation+Pranayama, SoundBaths,  Pre/Post-Natal Yoga, 360Barre, Deep Stretch & Self-Massage classes. Please take a look at our current in-person schedule  > 



Your life is now. Here. In the city. Make it more meaningful, enjoy it, and do something different. We are bringing a variety of holistic leaders and healers to educate, unwind, nurture our spirit, and entertain our curiosity every weekend > 

Learning Patience - Kṣamā Yama

Learning Patience - Kṣamā Yama

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How To Measure Our Stress and Self Control. Podcast Audio
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How Concealed Anxiety Affects Our Relationships
Mitahara Yama: Self-Moderation
Learning Patience - Kṣamā Yama
Unveiling of the 5 Koshas with Erika
Ahimsa Yama: The Unconscious Harm We Create

Follow us @glowyogasf

Questions? All answered  - see FAQ.

Bookings: all services are booked via web schedule.

Contact Us: please use our CHAT here, or schedule a call.

Address: 1548 Stockton Street (Union). 2nd Floor

Block of Washington Sq Park,  Tony's Pizza, Original Joes.

Watch a mini-video of our location

10 min walk from Fin. District - enjoy a picturesque walk :)

MUNI STOP  45, 30, 8X, 41, T-Line is 6 Blocks Away

Parking: North Beach Garage (735 Vallejo st) St  $5/h 

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